Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Review: 'Secret World' _ a thinking person's MMO

This video game image released by Electronic Arts shows a scene from "The Secret World." With "The Secret World" developer Funcom has a created a mythical virtual earth populated with haunted houses, secret societies, vampire cults and zombie invasions. (AP Photo/Electronic Arts)It's no secret that most massively multiplayer online games take place in either fantasylands, sci-fi galaxies or apocalyptic dominions, which is why it's so refreshing that "The Secret World" is ambitiously set in a twisted take on our own world where apparently everything that ever happened on "The X-Files," ''Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and "Fringe" is real.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/review-secret-world-thinking-persons-mmo-130849557--finance.html

Patrick Depailler Pedro Diniz Duke Dinsmore

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