Saturday, September 22, 2012

Unification Church head Sun Myung Moon buried in Korea

Honor guards carry the body of Moon as his family members follow during a funeral service for the late founder of the Unification Church, at the CheongShim Peace World Center in GapyeongGAPYEONG, South Korea (Reuters) - Sun Myung Moon, a self-proclaimed messiah who founded the Unification Church that once boasted millions of members, was buried at a church-owned mansion modelled on the White House on Saturday after a two-week mourning period. Tens of thousands of followers gathered at Gapyeong, an hour outside the capital Seoul, to say a final goodbye to Moon, a man who dubbed himself the "True Parent" of those he married in mass ceremonies and who once proposed himself as "supreme chairman" of a reunited Korea. ...


Edgar Barth Giorgio Bassi Erwin Bauer

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