Monday, October 1, 2012

Katy Perry named Billboard's woman of the year

Katy Perry poses during a photocall before the premiere of "Katy Perry: Part of Me" in Rio de JaneiroLOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Pop star Katy Perry was named Billboard's Woman of the Year on Tuesday, after a whirlwind 12 months in which she split up with her husband and turned their break-up into a hit single and film. Perry, 27, channeled her split with British comedian Russell Brand in late 2011 into the chart-topping hit "Part Of Me" and a 3D behind-the-scenes film "Katy Perry: Part Of Me" that documented her personal and professional ups and downs. The singer has won over a legion of fans, known as 'katycats,' on Twitter and Facebook with her quirky costumes and catchy bubble gum pop songs. ...


Mário de Araújo Cabral Frank Armi Chuck Arnold

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